Self Employed Resume – Converting Your Potential Employers Concerns Into Benefits
I guess the reason you’re reading this letter now is because you’re having a hard time composing a self employed resume, well – all is not lost, let’s take a look at it together shall we…To start ones own business takes tenacity, patience and consistent effort even though the initial financial rewards may be small. If you have been self employed for whatever reason and are now in the market for a full time job, listing self employment on you resume can raise concerns for your potential employer.By anticipating these concerns you will be in a much better position to deal with them effectively and turn many of them into positive benefits for your potential employerThese are the main concerns that will raise red flags in the mind of your employer…* Were you working for yourself in between jobs or because you preferred self employment to working for an organization?* Do you currently still freelance or consult, and would you continue this in addition to your full time job?* Does your self employment present a conflict of interest for the company?* Your potential employer does not want to invest time and money into training you and provide you with benefits only to have you walk off a year later to start your own business?With that in mind, let’s take a look at the best possible way of listing your self employed work history on your resume.You need to highlight all the positives of being self employed or managing your own business. There is no point in listing infrequent freelance projects on your resume. The only time this may be constructive is to fill in any gaps in your professional work experience.If you have worked as a contractor for more than 3 months or owned your own business, then you should include it on your resume. Remember to highlight the aspects of your self employed period that relate to the requirements of the job that you are seeking.It is important to list your job responsibilities in the same way, focus on the abilities that best meet your career objective and give proof of your achievements when possible. Bring your self starter attitude to the for under your qualifications section of your resume. Make a point of listing all employability skills you have acquired while being self employed.Make sure that you address the expected concerns of your potential employer. Highlight those issues on your resume that may raise concerns and de-fuse them up front in your cover letter. If you have a business of your own and are still looking for a full time job, be sure to clearly explain how you plan to effectively manage your performance at both businesses. Never apologize for being self employedYour resume and cover letter should reflect your credibility and passion as a professional. Showcase all the positive experiences you have acquired and relate them directly to the requirements of the job you want.