8 Exercise and Fitness Tips For Seniors
Set some exercise goals
People begin an exercise program for different reasons. Taking some time and validating why you want to begin an exercise program will go a long way toward remaining motivated. You don’t have to make your goals a big deal if you don’t want to. Some people do it just to have fun and stay active, yet others need more regimentation and set strict goals and timelines for accomplishing them. It is totally up to you what your goals are. It is important that whatever your goals may be that you actually accomplish them in the long run.
Choose a program that is right for you
It is very easy to get caught up in the latest exercise craze because it seems to be drawing a lot of interest and enthusiasm. Frankly though, most people who begin the latest fad in exercise are just as quick to drop it and begin to do something else. A smart approach would be to pursue a line of exercise that fits your interest and can keep you going back workout after workout. Exercise is of course just moving the body and there’s lots of way of doing that. Why not pick a program that you like and stick with it till you are able to accomplish your exercise goals?
Start out easy
One very common mistake many people make when beginning and exercise program is they go all gung ho in the beginning when they are not ready for it. Then they get setback with sore muscles and possible injury for a few weeks and all the motivation they mustered up is gone. They’re right back where they started from in most cases. Take the turtle approach and go at the exercise program with a slow and steady attitude. Set goals you can accomplish in 3-4 months instead of 3-4 weeks. It will go easier on your body and mind if you do. A longer period of time to accomplish you goals will also take some of the pressure off so you can enjoy yourself while getting the exercise you need.
Consider your diet
The old saying, we are what we eat, is has never been so true. People involved with exercise programs and have specific goals to accomplish understand the importance of proper diet. It is unrealistic to think you can put cheap fuel in your car and expect it to operate at top efficiency. Why would we think we can do it to our bodies? Seriously, we can’t. Garbage goes in and garbage will come out. An exercise program requires looking at what constitutes are daily intake of food. A balance of fruits, vegetables, meats and grains will be necessary if we expect our body to cooperate with the added demands exercise will place on the whole system. Our exercise goals will be much easier to attain if we give the body the necessary fuel to perform.
Warm up properly
Starting out right is an important element in finishing right. Taking a few minutes to let the body become accustomed to the exercise you are about to put it through comes with great dividends. A body with warm muscles will perform better, be more flexible and is less prone to injury. Just 5 or 10 minutes of stretching and moving is all it takes to prepare the body for the demands of your exercise program. You will notice a performance difference when you warm up properly, or if you don’t.
Stay Hydrated
The most common condition for many people day is dehydration. Yes they drink a lot of fluids but unfortunately a lot of those fluids are unable to be utilized properly by the body. Sports drinks, sodas and special bottled waters contain so much sugar, caffeine and chemicals they actually contribute to a further condition of dehydration. Just straight good old fashioned water is the best drink you can feed the body and ample supplies of it as well. It is important to be hydrated before your exercise program, during your exercise program and after the program. Help your body by giving it the water it needs by drinking plenty of water.
Cool down properly
Exercise places stress on the muscles and different kinds of exercise place specific types of stress on them. Tennis places very specific demands on the muscles different from the demands of weight training. During exercise the major muscles used in a particular program are constantly contracting and relaxing. After exercise is over the muscles need an opportunity to relax and resume natural function again. Light stretching and relaxing just after exercise is the best cool down you can give your muscles. When a proper cool down is performed the muscles are triggered to begin the rebuilding process necessary to realize results.
Record and measure your progress
Taking the time and energy to record the progress you are making as a result of your exercise program will increase your motivation to continue. By plotting a beginning bench mark you can measure how you are improving as each week of dedicated time and energy goes into reaching your goals. Recording and measuring your progress will enable you to recognize when you are successful and how far you have to go before you achieve the goals that have been set. Accomplishment of small goals that lead to the realization of larger goals will continue to provide you with the energy to remain committed and motivated. Take the time necessary to record your progress after each exercise program is completed, you’ll be happy in the long run that you did.